Etymology – from Greek, etymos, true, real, actual (the study of roots) Life is full of slips. Words slip out…
This essay is adapted from Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies. “He wears a mask and his face grows…
The fact that there has been massive censorship of dissenting voices by Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, etc., and equally massive disinformation by commission and omission across media platforms, should make everyone ask why. Why repress dissent? The answer should be obvious but is not. The fact that so many refuse to see the significance of this censorship clearly shows the hypnotic effects of a massive mind control operation.
Today is a day to celebrate the prophetic voice and witness of Fr. Daniel Berrigan, the non-violent anti-war activist and…
These liner notes, written in 1974, don’t age. Read them, listen to Blood on the Tracks, and celebrate art. Facts…
Esopus Creek The road led up the hill between houses until it came to the lake where it ran between…
In March of last year as the coronavirus panic was starting, I wrote a somewhat flippant article saying that the…
This year, the anniversary of the murder of the Christian prophet and martyr, Martin Luther King, Jr., falls on Easter Sunday, April 4, which gives rise to doubly deeper thoughts that cross religious boundaries….for very few Americans are aware of the truth behind the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the United States’ celebrated civil rights icon.
It was early morning on St. Patrick’s Day and I was sitting in the kitchen eating a few slices…