The JFK Assassination Chokeholds That Inescapably Prove There Was A Conspiracy

A Review

During my many years of teaching at different universities, nearly all my colleagues insisted that Lee Harvey Oswald alone assassinated President Kennedy, even while the general public questioned such a conclusion.  This disparity between gown and town always amused and informed me that something in the “higher education” world was low indeed.  Despite the fact that we agreed on many political matters, my academic colleagues laughed at all my writing and courses that presented overwhelming evidence that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK, led by the Central Intelligence Agency.  They reveled in their certitude, good humored as it was, but refused to research the matter.  They were smug.

Here is an excellent book that, if they would read it with open minds, would, as its subtitle says – inescapably prove that there was a conspiracy – and if Jack Ruby had not killed Oswald and he had been given a fair trial, Oswald would have been acquitted.  Written by James DiEugenio, Paul Bleau, Matt Crumpton, Andrew Iler, and Mark Adamczyk, The JFK Assassination Chokeholds lives up to its claim and then some.

For most readers of the general public, the amount of information it contains that proves the official version of the assassination is clearly false may be overwhelming, but for anyone with any scholarly pretensions or who has a particular interest in the JFK assassination, this book is essential.  It will last a long time as a key historical document.  For the general reader, one or two chapters should suffice to convince them that the authors have emphatically proven their points.  And to grasp these points and fully realize that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by elements of his own government led by the CIA and that the mass media were accessories after the fact to this terrible crime – to let this really sink in – well, nothing is more important in understanding what is going on today.

The five authors, two prominent JFK researchers (most notably Jim DiEugenio) and three attorneys, combine forces to create a volume backed by 700 references that provides ten different arguments, or chokeholds, that prove “1. There was a conspiracy in the murder of JFK, and 2. That the chokehold issues provide more than a reasonable doubt that would have made it impossible to convict Lee Harvey Oswald in a criminal trial.”

By chokeholds they mean a body of evidence that leads to an indisputable conclusion since their lists of evidence are so powerful.  Additionally, they further their arguments through the concept of consilience: “That even if one element cannot prove a fact on its own, the concordance of evidence from unrelated sources converges on a conclusion.”

From beginning to end, through each of the ten chapters in between, they build and build and build their case so powerfully, not through conjecture but with solid confirmed evidence, that by the time one is finished reading, it is impossible to not realize that the assassination of the president was a government hit job and that Oswald was exactly what he said – “a patsy.”  If like me, you need no convincing and believe that engaging in pseudo-debates about the assassination only plays into the hands of the killers – as if to say we don’t yet know the truth – you still should read this excellent book with admiration for the authors’ thoroughness and unique method of argumentation.

The evidence presented throughout has been accumulated for 60 years, not just by official government investigations but by independent researchers, accelerated greatly due to Oliver Stone’s brilliant 1991 film, JFK, that forced the U.S. government to pass the 1992 JFK Assassination Records Collection Act and then in 1994 the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) that resulted in the declassification of tens of thousands of documents.

If a reader just read Chapter 7, “The Evidentiary Mess of the Twentieth Century,” by James DiEugenio, a chapter of just 16 pages but supported by 47 footnotes about the medical evidence and the official autopsy, one would immediately realize that only government officials were capable of patching up the back of Kennedy’s head wound to make it appear intact and forging photos to conceal the massive cavity caused by a bullet from the front.  That conspiracy about the larger conspiracy is all a reasonable person needs to know to prove the assassination was a government operation from beginning to end, and that Oswald did not kill John Kennedy.

But the book contains chapter after chapter like that one.

Chapter 1  – “ The Official Record Impeaches the Warren Commission” – by JFK researcher Paul Bleau opens the book with a thorough review of all the official investigations that demolishes any remaining pretense that even government officials believe the Warren Commission’s fictions.  He writes after reviewing them:

The overwhelming consensus that there were serious flaws with the Warren Commission conclusions and that there was a likely conspiracy does not come from independent authors who are trying to sell books. It comes from written reports of subsequent investigations and the statements of a very significant cross-section of over 90 insiders that participated in the investigations including the Warren Commission: Senators (some Republican, some Democrats), legal counsel, staff members, attorneys, researchers, medical personnel, autopsy physicians, historians, archivists, investigators, jury members, FBI, DPD and Louisiana State law enforcement agents. These include some of the highest-ranking members of the Warren Commission, Church and HSCA committees and the ARRB.

Bleau follows this up in Chapter 2, “Oswald’s Intelligence Connections: He Was No Lone Nut,” with a wealth of details showing that Oswald, a Marine trained in the Russian language and U2 spy plane technology, was a false defector to the Soviet Union as part of a CIA program; that his last attempted call from the Dallas jail was to a former Special Agent in U.S. Army Counterintelligence; that he had contacts with 64 plausible or definite intelligence assets such as David Ferrie, Guy Bannister, George de Mohrenschildt, David Atlee Philips, et al.  The evidence presented completely debunks the lone nut propaganda proffered by the Warren Commission and all its media accomplices such as The New York Times, CBS, Life magazine, etc.

In addition to the work of JFK researchers DiEugenio and Bleau, the attorney authors – Crumpton, Ller, and Adamczyk – contribute in ways that focus on legal arguments that would clearly lead to an acquittal for Oswald if he ever had been given a real trial.  They make clear that Oswald had to be killed by Jack Ruby who was “on a mission” for the government conspirators to prevent that from happening.  It is, as far as I know, the only book that offers that ingenious legal angle on the assassination.

Matt Crumpton writes about all the times Oswald was impersonated when he was elsewhere, for which there is vast evidence, and which would never have happened if he were a lone crazy assassin.  Crumpton’s tale about Ralph Yates and his testimony about the impersonator of Oswald with the “curtain rods” and his treatment by the FBI which led to his abuse with 40 shock treatments will make your blood boil.  Crumpton writes:

Ralph Yates is where the analysis of the case really starts to diverge between the conspiracy researchers and lone gunman researchers. For people who are suspicious of Oswald acting alone, the Yates story is a showstopper. The Feds committed this man to a mental institution without due process all because he told what was an inconvenient truth.

It is elementary, My Dear Watson, that if Oswald was being impersonated many times and there were double Oswalds, even “seven separate claims” when the real Oswald was in the Soviet Union, then there was a sophisticated conspiracy run by others using Oswald.  Crumpton writes:

There is no plausible reason why a lone gunman would be impersonated so many times. The frequency of these instances clearly increased in the days, weeks and months before the assassination, and also on the day of the assassination, which clearly shows a designed plot to lay the blame on Oswald within hours of the assassination.

The JFK Assassination Chokeholds covers other key matters: why Oswald could not have been on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository when the shots were fired, how the single bullet claim is absurd, the official lies about Jack Ruby and why he killed Oswald, the prior plots to kill JFK, the overwhelming evidence for a frontal shot, Presidents Trump and Biden’s continuing refusal to abide by the JFK Records Act and release all the files, and the media’s ongoing complicity in the coverup, etc.

It is so comprehensive and thoroughly convincing in its evidence and logic that anyone reading it – unless they were dishonest and in bad faith – would have to admit that these chokeholds should silence once and for all anyone claiming that Oswald was a lone nut who assassinated President Kennedy.

Ironically, the evidence and argument of this excellent volume actually refute its concluding sentence:

This is why this case cries out for a new investigation.

While the book is terrific, I must say I do not agree that we need a new investigation.  The facts have long been clear: President Kennedy was assassinated by the U.S. National Security State led by the CIA.  What we need to do is draw the implications from that fact.  They are profound.










37 thoughts on “The JFK Assassination Chokeholds That Inescapably Prove There Was A Conspiracy”

  1. Note well the strategy of a dedicated chaos agent in a comment thread:
    1. Long, tiring comments that seed thoughts of revolution. An age-old version of the “be the change you want to see in the world” mantra sold to the gullible young (and old). Direct readers to the “change” the puppet masters seek.
    2. Posting of diversionary responses to comments by others who are over the target.

  2. Seeking Truths in a country of egocentrism, immorality and lies. Here is the great George Calin exposing the “American Dream” in this video

    The USA is a country of lies. The biggest lie of USA is that it is sold to the masses thru (CNN, Wikipedia, ABC, UNIVISION etc and most mainstream information sources) as that USA is really a sort of workers humanist anti-war Republic with wealth and equality for all (but in real-reality the USA since 4th of July of 1776 has been founded as a fascist, racist, imperialist oligarchic-plutocratic-cleptocratic nation-state.

    Here is the great article by the Native American Vietnam Veteran Brian Willson exposing the painful ugly truths of USA since it was founded

    One big lie that exists in the USA, in all cities of the country where there are a lot of car dealers. is that car dealers have this bad habit of for example placing cars in the front of their car dealers with a real great pice like $9,999, but when you walk into that car dealer to buy that car for $9,999 the total price of the car would come out to $12,000 dollars (Jesus Christ why car dealers do that? why do they lie like that?)

    Another lie is phone corporations, cable-tv, digital-tv corporations and internet corporations. They would sell you a great internet service for 30 dollars per month, but if you accept their contract of 30 dollars per month, in their contract in small letters it would say that the low price of 30 dollars per month is only offered for 3 little months. What a scam of a nation. And pratically all corporations do that, Mcdonalds, Burger King, Wendys, etc

    Education institutions like universities lie so much to people, that they don’t even post the total price of a University profession their websites, the total price of their tuition. And other private services like clinics, hospital are also very good at lyting to people about the total price of a surgery, treatments and services for patients.

    It is a hedonist society of anti-politics people, with a large middle class who for some reason i don’t understand doesn’t have any ideology, it is not right-winger, nor left-winger, (all my families are anti-politics, i don’t know why, when according to US founders US citizens should be political activist, and police guards of the laws, good morality and constitution. It is a society of lies, wives cheat on their husbands, husbands cheat on their wives, it is a society of ultra-individualism, narcissism, egocentrism, a me-first mentality, it is a society of immorality and evil, of young people doing all kinds of immoralities and evil, drugs, alcoholic drinks, sex, porn, stealing, etc.

    And the worst of the USA is the people who are away from politics. According to Bertolth Bretch and Tony Gramsci, the worst citizen are not killers, rapists and thieves. The worst citizens of countries are the people who hate politics, who do’t participate in active political activism

    Something has to give. John F. kennedy and Martin Luther King are alive and kicking !!


  3. JFK Ben-Gurion Battle of Letters
    Stolen USN Nuclear Materials
    MOSSciAD Dulles Angleton Harel
    🇮🇱 1963 Coup D’état 💥

    In Ben-Gurion’s view going Nuclear was existential. JFK put his foot down & the inspections were coming. Ben-Gurion stepped down as the coup got the green light. Dimona was Israel’s prime reason for eliminating Kennedy & replacing him with Johnson. But there were others. The Kennedy brothers were at the origin of a procedure to reduce the influence of the American Zionist Council by the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. In October 1963, Attorney General Robert Kennedy gave the AZC a 72-hour notice to register as a “foreign agent.” After John Kennedy’s assassination, the AZC escaped this procedure, and its lobbying division, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC), became the most powerful lobby in the United States, and an indispensable tool for the corruption and intimidation of American elected officials, and for the control of American foreign policy ( morphing into a hydra of AIPAC/assorted groups, who are know to DC insiders as “The Lobby” ). A third motive for the Dallas coup was Kennedy’s support for the Palestinian cause and his sympathy for Egyptian President Abdel Nasser. As late as November 20, 1963, Kennedy’s representative at the United Nations demanded the implementation of Resolution 194 and the return of the 800,000 Palestinian refugees, causing strong protest in Israeli circles. After Kennedy’s death, American foreign policy in West Asia was radically reversed without the American public realizing it. Johnson cut economic aid to Egypt and increased military aid to Israel to 92 million in 1966, more than the total of all previous years combined. To date indigenous Palestinians do NOT have a right of return inside Israel, while foreign Jewry worldwide, can make “Aliyah.”

    Start pulling the threads… Abraham Zapruder, Dal-Tex Building Mossad Front, the “Dallas Citizens Council” of J*wish businessmen aka B’nai B’rith, Reuben Efron, Jacob Rubenstein, Mickey Cohen, Menachem Begin, Irgun, Hank Greenspun’s “letter.”

    *PERMINDEX:* the primary shareholder in Permindex was the Banque De Credit International of Geneva, founded by Tibor Rosenbaum, an arms procurer and financier for the Mossad. The Mossad sponsored Swiss bank was the chief “money laundry” for Meyer Lansky, the head of the international crime syndicate and an Israeli loyalist whose operations meshed closely on many fronts with the American CIA. The chairman of Permindex was Louis M. Bloomfield of Montreal, a key figure in the Israeli lobby and an operative of the Bronfman family of Canada, long-time Lansky associates and among Israel’s primary international patrons. Pull on the Permindex thread.

    63 Winterland Ice Skating Rink… After the assassination LBJ immediately dropped pressure to stop Israels Nuclear program, dropped proposals to register Zionist Lobby as a foreign agent, American foreign policy in the ME reversed course, & later covered up Israels False Flag attack on the USS Liberty. LBJ was compromised. Nothing by today’s standards, but scandalous enough back then to sink him. LBJ had off book political/$ connections to *SAM BLOOM.* Sam Bloom, a prominent member of the Texan J community, whose name was found in Jack Ruby’s address book. It was Bloom who intervened with the Dallas Police Department to allow the press to film Oswald’s transfer, giving Ruby the opportunity to shoot him dead. Sam Bloom, pull on that thread!

    *”I did it for the Jewish people.”*
    ~ Jack Ruby, confided to Rabbi Hillel Silverman

    Ruby’s defense lawyer William Kunstler also claims in his memoir that Ruby told him: “I did it for the Jews,” repeating on several occasions: “I did this that they wouldn’t implicate Jews.” During Kunstler’s last visit Ruby handed him a note in which he reiterated that his motive was to “protect American Jews from a pogrom that could occur because of anger over the assassination.”[3] There is only one possible interpretation of Ruby’s words: he must have known, and those you tasked him with killing Oswald must have known, that if Oswald was tried, the Jewish hand in JFK’s assassination would likely be made apparent.

    Jacob Rubenstein, aka Jack Ruby, had fore knowledge of the JFK assassination according to FBI informant, Bob Vanderslice of Dallas. On the day of the assassination, Jack Ruby invited the informant to come and “watch the fireworks” with him at the fateful parade, according to newly released documents.

    Jack Ruby — convicted of killing Oswald, who shot Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963 — then attended the parade with the FBI informant.

    “He was with Jack Ruby and standing at the corner of the Postal Annex Building facing the Texas School Book Depository Building at the time of the shooting,” reads the FBI document, released as a part of the JFK files.

    Before his “suicide” *George de Mohrenschildt* claimed Jews, the Jewish mafia was after him and wanted to kill him.

    *New JFK documents reveal assassin’s CIA monitor was Jewish spy Reuben Efron*
    Jewish immigrant from Lithuania, who later lived in Jerusalem, screened the mail of US president’s killer before the assassination, newly released files show
    2 August 2023

    Arlen Specter, a Jew on the Warren Commision, pushed the “magic bullet.”

    Oliver Stone’s kosher gatekept film, JFK, was produced by Arnon Milchan.

    Arnon Milchan worked for decades as an Israeli spy, associated with MOSSAD/LAKAM. He was tasked with securing technology for Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program, economic espionage, & arms smuggling. At one point he operated 30 companies in 17 different countries. Milcharn reportedly became a key operative for LAKAM chief Benjamin Blumberg and top spy Rafi Eitan, who ran jailed spy Jonathan Pollard and infiltrated a U.S. company to obtain tons of highly-enriched uranium. Milchen, who is good friends with former Israeli President Shimon Peres, also said that he helped Israel obtain key nuclear equipment and information while Peres established the *Dimona nuclear reactor.

    Milchan’s company, Heli Trading Co., brokered the shipment of 800 krytons — sophisticated triggers for nuclear weapons — from the California company MILCO International Inc. to the Israeli Ministry of Defense between 1979 and 1983.

    In 1985, the U.S. indicted and extradited MILCO President Kelly Smyth on 30 counts of smuggling and making false statements.

    Here’s what Smyth told FBI agents in Los Angeles (via IRMEP):

    Smyth details his recruitment by Arnon Milchan, meetings with Benjamin Netanyahu who then worked at smuggling front Heli Trading (Milchan Brothers Trading Company) in Israel, and how the “Project Pinto” smuggling operation was rolled up after his arrest for smuggling 800 nuclear triggers and subsequent flight from the U.S.

    Milchan’s espionage was clearly integral to Israel’s nuclear program.

    receipts: Michael Collins Piper book,



    USN Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, born Chaim Gdala Rykower

    Zalman Mordecai Shapiro, PHD Chemist & American Zionist who worked on the USS Nautilus under supervision of Admiral Rickover.

    Rickover cited Shapiro as one of four individuals most responsible for the program’s success.

    In 1956 Zalman Shapiro incorporated Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) in Pennsylvania, a nuclear materials processing facility that began receiving a steady stream of government contracts to produce fuel for the Navy’s growing fleet of nuke powered vessels.

    NUMEC start-up capital was organized by David Lowenthal, an American citizen who secretly fought for Israel during its 48 war for independence, alongside who would become the country’s first head of intelligence Meir Amit & prime minister David Ben-Gurion.

    Many members of NUMEC’s venture capital network & board of directors were dedicated Zionists, like Shapiro, held leadership positions in the Zionist Organization of America, an American organization founded in 1896 dedicated to the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

    Between 1957-67 NUMEC received 22 tons of HEU-235. Department of Energy audit revealed that NUMEC lost at least 593 pounds of HEU. Losses exceeded the industry average by several times, still holding the record for the highest loss of bomb-grade material of any US plant.

    Shapiro formed a company called the Israel NUMEC Isotopes and Radiation Enterprises Limited (ISORAD) in partnership with the Israeli government. The company was ostensibly created research projects involving exposing agricultural products to radiation to kill microorganisms.

    Shapiro’s business partner, Ernest David Bergmann, chaired the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission – the primary cover organization for Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons program from 1954-66.

    About the same time that NUMEC sustained unaccountable losses of HEU-235.

    A NUMEC employee walked near the NUMEC loading dock and encountered people he could not identify loading cans about the size of HEU-235 canisters onto a ship that was headed to Israel. The employee detailed the event in 1980 when interviewed by FBI agents.

    Dept. of Energy investigators told former Atomic Energy Commissioner Glenn T. Seaborg that traces of U-235 material delivered to NUMEC for processing into fuel had been picked up in Israel. Seaborg as AEC chief frequently defended Shapiro, refused to be interviewed by FBI.

    January 31, 1982, after six decades of service, Admiral Rickover was forced to retire over a corrupt relationship with General Dynamics & leaks of sensitive nuclear weapons secrets to Israel. General Dynamics was taken over by Jewish steel magnate Henry Crown.

    During JFK’s Presidency General Dynamics was under intense scrutiny for defense contract fraud. Kennedy was also acutely aware that Israel was trying to obtain nuclear material from the United States to develop nuclear weapons.

    Kennedy told Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol that Israel would never obtain nuclear weapons while he was president.

    Kennedy, suspicious of Rickover over reports of his contacts with Israel’s nuclear program, was going to force Rickover to retire in 1964.

    After Kennedy’s 63 assassination, Shapiro’s smuggling of weapon materials to Israel continued without interference & General Dynamics saw new heights of prosperity under a pro-Israel LBJ.

    Rickover continued to serve until 1982 when his corrupt hand was caught in the cookie jar.


    FINAL JUDGEMENT 6th edition pdf book

    NUMEC documentary


    Of course it was the jews. And of course America helps them in every possible way. That’s what CIA and the rest are there for. Nothing new under the sun.

    Kennedies didn’t like and bow to globalists masters so Kennedies had to go. I mean comon, you can’t tell these masters of the universe that they can’t have nukes and act like pigs etc. Unforgivable, comon man.

    RFK jr knows this so he is being a very obedient goy.

    Oh and by the way… I find it kinda smug to surmise that the average schmup doesn’t like to read big books even if important ones. The hard fact is, the educated masses, intellectuals, “tought-leaders” and all the rest have utterly failed humanity. They are stupid and cowardly. We, the normal people don’t want anything to do with them.

    Also, science is dead.

    1. Shoo-in for the Democratic nomination in a ballroom at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, June 1968…

      After the speech, RFK agreed to a impromptu press meeting changing his exist route & was led through a dimly lit kitchen pantry, where it just so happens that a “Lone Gunman” laid in wait for the chance encounter. RFK murdered by an expert assassin firing 13 shots from an 8 shot .22 revolver… a “Swarthy” “Palestinian” driven by anti-Israeli sentiments no less! LOL a little too on the Nose for anyone other than you know who. Investigating, skip the muscle Eugene Thane Cesar & start further up the chain… perhaps the with the grief stricken Theodore Sorenson. Receipts are there for anyone that cares to look… alas RFK Jr is too busy being a shabbos goy for Chabad to care.

      Circling back to the JFK assassination, solid work has been done to expose the intelligence/organized crime connections & how these associations worked together, but always keep it kosher leaving out one critical detail.

      Italians make for great movie gangsters & splashy FBI arrests, but the hidden hand always stays hidden.

      Unrelated yet relevant AF…

  5. Hi Ed, I was thinking about your colleagues….,not an unfamiliar bunch…..,”Not only has man accepted his enslavement, he has even become proud of his enslavement…, and this is a terrible thing !”

  6. The Warren Commission’s real JOB was to COVER-UP what really happened. In the Same way, the Jan6th Committee was Peloser’s tool for covering up the Truth of Jan 6th. It seems increasingly likely that Pelosi worked with the Fed’s to incite and inflame a peaceful protest. Time to investigate the Truth, while she and her Fed cronies are still alive. The GOP show have a Jan6 TRUTH commission to discover and reveal what really happened on that Day. Meantime, you can learn more on Revolver.News

  7. ——— List of Over 30 Bullets Fired in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963 ——–
    01- Z143 to pavement in front of Phil Willis, commence fire shot
    02- Z155 to pavement at left rear of limousine, commence fire confirmation shot with colored sparks
    03- Z206 to JFK right shoulder, in 1.25 inches, fell out on Jerrol Custer x-ray exam table, underpowered
    04- Z220 to JFK throat via windshield from southern grassy knoll, intended for head, underpowered
    05- Z250 to area of external occipital protuberance, ended right of vomer bone, underpowered
    06- Z286 to upper right forehead from storm sewer drain, exit visible on quality Moorman photo at cowlick
    07- Z313 Harry Weatherford shot from Central Records, in back of head out as right temple flap wound
    08- Z342 In at right temple, out at site of Z313 exit obliterating it. Trick shot leaving one hole from 2 shooters
    ——— prior shots in time sequence, following shots at unclear exact times —————
    09- hit windshield rim above and left of Kellerman’s head. CE399 is fake substitute for Sam Kinney bullet
    10- found by Jesse Curry slightly south of south curb in grass, angle suggests another commence fire shot
    11, 12- into Connally from third man on sixth floor, from west end of TSBD. There was no lone sniper
    13- Harry Weatherford shot from Central Records to concrete pad near manhole cover south of grassy knoll
    14- bullet stolen by Deputy Buddy Walthers for his own personal curiosity
    15- Jean Hill bullet hitting grass at her feet, as related to her by Secret Service
    16- another colored pyrotechnic signal shot, this time for cease-fire at grassy knoll, but largely ignored
    17, 18, 19- and maybe more past heads of Jean Hill and Mary Moorman, standing near yellow curb mark
    20,21- and probably more past head of Malcolm Summers as he dove for the grass
    22- ricochet off curb into right cheek of James Tague
    23- found in limousine night of Nov. 22 by Mills & Martinelli of the James Young crew, denied by Gerald Ford
    24, 25, 26- shell casing found later on roof of Central Records Building under A/C, bullets on several roofs
    27, 28, 29, 30- impacts heard by Malcolm Summers and Roy Kellerman (WCR 2:66) slamming inside limo
    31- gouge into sidewalk west of book depository covered by police car Nov. 22, Penn Jones, Robt Groden
    32- embedded in bubble top arch = holder in front of Connallys, Arlo Childers at Hess and Eisenhart repairs
    33- stretcher bullet as JFK entered Parkland halfway between earlobe and shoulder, nurse Phyllis J. Hall
    xx- fake = Paul Landis claimed loose bullet on seatback top. If true would require second hole in JFK shirt

  8. Hello Edward and friends of this great blog: Another great mind-opening article. You know I was thinking many things about the JKF and Robert Kennedy . assasination. I was thinking that maybe JFK, and Robert Kennedy were raised in a family and social environment where there was a lot of trust, love, and faith in other human beings. Maybe that excess of trusting humans became an impediment for the Kennedys in the government, to take the necessary measures against any potential threat. I read a political scientist (i forgot his name) who said that rulers, presidents should be paranoid, as a self-defense tactic

    However I might be wrong, because it is almost impossible if you are president, or a famous person to protect yourself from the killers hitmen of the CIA who are professional killers just like the movie Hitman of Timothy Olyphant

    Another cause of why JFK and Robert Kennedy Jr. were killed, might have been, the theory of entrysm, which is a tactic used by leftists of entering a right-wing organization in order to turn it into a left-wing organization. So in a way the Kennedys who had left-wing tendencies did some sort of entrism, by being part and rulers of a right-wing organization (The US gov. and its ruling class). In fact here is a link of an article by the Trotskist writer Ted Grant talking about the problems of that tactic.

    According to Ted Grant it is a lot safer for the left-wing and workers to build their own organization, instead of trying to join right-wing groups

    I think that’s what happened to Hugo Chavez, that he was a revolutionary who rose to power thru a bourgeoise political system in Venezuela, with a powerful oligarchic ruling class. That’s why he was killed

    But what i don’t understand why John Kennedy Jr. was killed by the deep state (in an airplane accident) but I think he was killed by CIA too, when he was not a political threat to the system. Or maybe he was a potential future US progressive president. Maybe one of the reasons of why Robert Kennedy JR. has been supporting the Jewish Lobby and zionism is because of the real threat that exists inside the US gov. against his own life if he tries to defy the zionist jewish power within the US government.

  9. Oswald shot officer Tippet. Oswald was interrupted looking for the getaway car that stood him up.
    Oswald was in on the hit but he was just a player in a bigger game.

    1. Oswald was never known to own or was never seen with the gun associated with that killing. He did not have an automatic.

      1. Oswald had that gun on his possession when he was arrested in the Texas theater. Tippit was not shot with an automatic. The shell casings found at the scene were matched to Oswald’s revolver to the exclusion of all other weapons.

  10. Only Lyndon Johnson had the power to cover up the truth. And Lyndon Johnson had the most to gain from the assasination and the most to lose if Kennedy ran again. The mafia and Jonson’s right hand man, Wallace, pulled the triggers. H.L. Hunt financed the operation.

  11. “They reveled in their certitude, good humored as it was, but refused to research the matter. They were smug.”
    Peter Michael Ketcham, a NIST whistleblower, explained to several prominent 9/11Truth luminaries why so many professors were ignoring the evidence about WTC 7. He said that when someone gets a job at NIST, it’s like winning the lottery: they have the best health care for their whole family, they get a six-figure income, and most importantly they get free reign to research basically whatever they want. So when the topic of 9/11Truth started to make its rounds at NIST, it would have been professional suicide to look into the matter. I imagine it’s the same problem at colleges with the topic of JFK. Trading liberty for safety.

  12. ——- List of Over 30 Bullets Fired in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963 ——
    01- Z143 to pavement in front of Phil Willis, commence fire shot
    02- Z155 to pavement at left rear of limousine, commence fire confirmation shot with colored sparks
    03- Z206 to JFK right shoulder, in 1.25 inches, fell out on Jerrol Custer x-ray exam table, underpowered
    04- Z220 to JFK throat via windshield from southern grassy knoll, intended for head, underpowered
    05- Z250 to area of external occipital protuberance, ended right of vomer bone, underpowered
    06- Z286 to upper right forehead from storm sewer drain, exit visible on quality Moorman photo at cowlick
    07- Z313 Harry Weatherford shot from Central Records, in back of head out as right temple flap wound
    08- Z342 In at right temple, out at site of Z313 exit obliterating it. Trick shot leaving one hole from 2 shooters
    ——— prior shots in time sequence, following shots at unclear exact times —————
    09- hit windshield rim above and left of Kellerman’s head. CE399 is fake substitute for Sam Kinney bullet
    10- found by Jesse Curry slightly south of south curb in grass, angle suggests another commence fire shot
    11, 12- into Connally from third man on sixth floor, from west end of TSBD. There was no lone sniper
    13- Harry Weatherford shot from Central Records to concrete pad near manhole cover south of grassy knoll
    14- bullet stolen by Deputy Buddy Walthers for his own personal curiosity
    15- Jean Hill bullet hitting grass at her feet, as related to her by Secret Service
    16- another colored pyrotechnic signal shot, this time for cease-fire at grassy knoll, but largely ignored
    17, 18, 19- and maybe more past heads of Jean Hill and Mary Moorman, standing near yellow curb mark
    20,21- and probably more past head of Malcolm Summers as he dove for the grass
    22- ricochet off curb into right cheek of James Tague
    23- found in limousine night of Nov. 22 by Mills & Martinelli of the James Young crew, denied by Gerald Ford
    24, 25, 26- shell casing found later on roof of Central Records Building under A/C, bullets on several roofs
    27, 28, 29, 30- impacts heard by Malcolm Summers and Roy Kellerman (WCR 2:66) slamming inside limo
    31- gouge into sidewalk west of book depository covered by police car Nov. 22, Penn Jones, Robt Groden
    32- embedded in bubble top arch = holder in front of Connallys, Arlo Childers at Hess and Eisenhart repairs
    33- stretcher bullet as JFK entered Parkland halfway between earlobe and shoulder, nurse Phyllis J. Hall
    xx- fake = Paul Landis claimed loose bullet on seatback top. If true would require second hole in JFK shirt

  13. I believe your colleagues held to this view about Oswald (and probably other topics like the C19 vaccine) because they were/are paid, directly or indirectly, to support the System’s view on many topics such as JFK, Covid, stolen elections, etc. It is very hard to get someone to believe something when their paycheck requires them to believe the contrary. So many academics directly or indirectly receive govt funds via direct pay or grants, or NGOs (that get govt funding). That’s why they all ultimately support whatever the System (which is controlled by CIA watchdogs) tells them.

    And then both the POO-litcal bands
    POWER real power
    EVIL is very real it is lead by the
    And it is shown in this
    Mystery of JFK
    Many can add or find ways to subtract from the LIE
    BUT this is why LIES of this EVIL will alway be
    Ring around the rosy in the hope and Prayer
    The answer will bring peace
    This rock is a endless show that tells just enough of what IS
    To those who dare to believe in NOTHING
    GOD is in control and the Dragon plays still in his shadow
    The poo-litcal bandits killed JFK
    Because they could

  15. “………Kennedy angrily told his top aides that he wanted to “splinter the C.I.A. into a thousand pieces….” That really pissed off some of these queens.

  16. All well and good. Anyone with two frontal lobes knows that the Warren commission report was an overstuffed bag of bullshit. A 15 yr. old deer hunter knows it was a frontal shot – and we were supposed to believe that Jack Ruby whacked Oswald because he loved the president?

    Anyway it’s been sixty one years – who gets indicted? And good luck proving the CIA was/is responsible for anything, including Watergate, Mockingbird, MK Ultra, Foreign assassinations, drug trafficking, election fraud, etc. Better luck seeing Elvis & Jimmy Hoffa riding a roller coaster.

  17. “They reveled in their certitude, good humored as it was, but refused to research the matter. They were smug.”
    Yes – SMUG – best descriptive word of the general attitude of folks who still believe in the general goodness of America and its government. And I personally know a few – they have zero interest in pursuing facts which interfere with their delusions.

    1. You are totally right in your blog, I have been evolving ideologically since 9-11-2001 from a regular conspiracy theory supporter, to a social-democrat, to communist, and lately to anarchist and lately after all the reading i have done in the internet and by observing how even socialist governments become capitalist oligarchic governments. I have jumped to the conclusion that both capitalist governments and socialist governments are different sides of the same coin (are almost the same in which only a few live real well and the majority in poverty. After reading the genesis, the root of governments, of states, i have jumped to the conclusion that all governments (socialist and capitalists) and all governments since the appearance of states thousands of years ago, are literally legalized mafia cartels (band of thieves) supported and backed by laws, religion, morality and the conformism and stupidity of the masses. That’s why even though my nick name here says “christian marxist”. In fact even Lenin said that as long as the state exists there will be oppression. Even the philosopher Nietzsche said that in the future since humans will be smarter, there won’t be governments states. Because it is impossible to govern smart peoiple. Governments exist because most people still today are dumb, uninformed about how the world works. so the real liberty will exist when states disappear from the face of the earth

    2. By the way i have an idea I think that there could be a way of creating a patriotic christian board of salvation with poor right-wingers and poor left-wingers together united in a single front with the main goal of rising to power and overthrowing the oligarchic zionist imperialist US government and replacing it with a brand new type of government which would literally be a servant, a slave of poor americans who are right now billed to death and taxed to death and don’t see a way of their hell of life under Democrats-Republicans oligarchic neoliberal economic policies. And since many poor americans left-wingers and right-wingers have christian values, they could support that political organization a lot easier than supporting a communist party.

      PS: I agree with you with home schools they are a lot better than the fascist public school education system

    1. And Big Oil too – they were all desperate for a Vietnam War. War is how they make their big money and hide all their crimes. As Eisenhower warned us – the MIC is our greatest fear and enemy.

      1. Eisenhower’s warning was a reference to the assassination of Kennedy’s friend and mentor James Forrestal (for briefing members of congress about what really happened in Roswell). The CIA was initially populated with gestapo agents imported via Operation Paperclip, and Eisenhower was implying that the “American gestapo” would kill Kennedy too if he continued to investigate the shadow government’s biggest secret:

        The National Security Act was a direct consequence of the Roswell incident, and UFO’s have continued to monitor nuclear weapons sites. The army did not mistake a disc for a weather balloon; the craft was largely intact and was inspected by von Braun. The cover-up continues today, through the promulgation of false motives for the JFK assassination and the murder of antigravity scientists (the most recent being that of Dr. Amy Eskridge, “the propulsion princess of Huntsville”.)

        1. You are right, but no matter how much the US government is trying to coverup the truth about extraterrestrials. I think that in the near future the truth will come out. Even the CIA and NSA websites are full of articles about how humans are not alone in the universe. Maybe the US government wants to use extraterrestrials technology for military purposes. By the way there was a ufologist Trotskist called Posadas, who has a long article about how extraterrestrial races might save mankind. The UFO phenomenon is like communism, socialism, they are becoming mainstream. We have to thank Hugo Chavez for a lot of things and also for resurrecting leftist, communist ideology and for speaking so many truths to the people. In a way he was a little bit like Trump who is not affraid to tell hard truths


  18. “if Jack Ruby had not killed Oswald and he had been given a fair trial, Oswald would have been acquitted. ”

    Maybe, maybe not. If this had happened today, Oswald would not have been allowed to be acquitted. The DOJ has way too much power and runs merrily hand in hand with the CIA today.

    1. I think even if this happened today, they would just have had Oswald killed anyway. I would not put ANY faith in our DOJ or FBI or Intel agencies especially with how they have treated Trump. They’ve all exposed themselves for what they really are.

  19. H L Hunt financed the operation to kill JFK, as he was about to eliminate the big oil’s “depletion” tax benefit.

    1. And Jack Crichton, Mr. Big for the local Army Reserve 488th intelligence unit and source of high-tech secret radios to coordinate the assassination and the getaways. Pal of George Bush, wanted to get back oil leases on eastern half of Cuba.

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