A Review
Much has been written in the alternative press over the past year about the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians and its other war crimes in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, etc. This has often been viewed within the historical context of the self-declared Zionist Israeli state’s founding in 1948 up to the present day. But far less has been said about the Zionist’s racial-nationalist-settler-colonialist movement’s history of terrorism to seize Palestine and kill and drive the Palestinians into exile that goes back for more than a century
For those who think Donald Trump’s recent announcement that the United States will take over Gaza and force the besieged Palestinians to leave their country is shocking, the history presented by Thomas Suárez will disabuse them of that notion. The Zionist Trump is stating baldly the ultimate goal of the ethnic cleansing of all non-Jews from Palestine, which has been the Zionists’ goal from the beginning and lies behind Biden, who considers himself a Zionist, and Trump’s recent support for Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
When questioned why he supported the Zionist leaders’ efforts to drive the Palestinians from their land, Winston Churchill, in 1937, replied, “I do not admit the dog in the manger has the final right to the manger, even though he may have lain there for a very long time.”
As Suárez, a London-based historical researcher, former West Bank resident, violinist, and composer, writes, “He denied that ‘a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the Black people of Australia’ by their replacement with ‘a higher grade race’.” This higher grade race rhetoric is racism, pure and simple, and it has been applied to the Palestinians by the Zionists from the start. Dogs, vermin, etc. Hitler would be proud.
It is nothing new. Ethnic supremacy and a pure Jewish state have always been the goal, even as the Zionists used Nazi rhetoric and tactics that they allegedly abhorred while working with the Nazis to get German Jews into Palestine but nowhere else. What became known as The Haavara Transfer Agreement is proof of that.
In January 1933 when Hitler came to power as German Chancellor, there were international calls for a boycott of German goods and services, supported by prominent Jews and Christians. The boycott caused a severe blow to the Reich’s economy. But an agreement with Hitler was arranged by Zionists to circumvent the boycott and provide Germany with needed capital, with Hitler allowing German Jews with sufficient wealth to emigrate to Palestine in return for their purchase of German goods and equipment, a quid pro quo arrangement that provided Germany with a propaganda win by claiming the boycott-breaking deal was made by Jews. Four years later, Adolph Eichmann, on a trip to Palestine, was involved in a follow-up effort with the Zionist terrorist militia, the Haganah, and its representative Feival Pokes, for the Nazis to pressure German Jewish groups to urge Jews to go only to Palestine and no other countries.
The irony of Churchill’s racist statement is that the Zionists, despite the UK’s Balfour Declaration of 1917 declaring its support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,” turned on their British accomplices, who were in Palestine as “administrators” under a League of Nations mandate following WW I, with a savage terrorist campaign to drive the British out. This gave the Zionists a narrative propaganda myth that they have exploited to the present day that they were the victims of occupation in their own land, while it was the Zionists who, through terrorism, were driving the Palestinians from the land that was theirs for a very long time.
Treachery of this nature defines the history of all those arrayed against the Palestinians from the start – as today, with Trump being no exception.
Suárez makes it clear that the “Palestinians also committed terror attacks, and this book’s focus on Zionist and Israeli terror must never be misinterpreted as excusing Palestinian violence against innocents,” but the “Palestinian terror occurred principally during the uprisings of the late 1920s and late 1930 after years of being institutionally discriminated against and killed for the benefit of the Zionists, and after non-violent resistance – diplomacy, entreaties, strikes, boycotts – proved futile.” His focus in this book, therefore, is to document and offer a comprehensive and structural analysis of the decades-long terror campaign the Zionist racial-nationalist settler movement used to obliterate the “inferior” Arabs who were “dogs in the manger.”
The Zionists’ twin terror campaigns against the Palestinians and the British forced the British to withdraw in 1948. They then turned their full attention to exterminating the Palestinians, which resulted in the what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba – the purging of nearly a million Palestinians from their land and the destruction of more than five hundred of their villages – (what Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann, the first president of Israel, called “a miraculous simplification of our task” ). It was then that the siege of Gaza began, not as Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his accomplices claim began after Hamas’s October 7, 2023 attack.
As Suárez writes, “The siege of Gaza began in 1948, fifty-eight years before the 2006 election of Hamas, which Israeli now uses to justify it. It served then the same purpose it serves today: to block people of the wrong ethnicity from returning home.”
From its start, the Zionist settler project was rooted in a fanatical messianism marketed as the myth of these modern Jewish settlers simply sailing back to the Hebrew land of the Bible after a 2,000 year absence, a land that belonged to them even though they had never lived there. They were just returning to their sovereign home, decreed by God, and those Palestinians living there, no matter for how long, were usurpers who had to be driven from their homes, killed, or forced into exile. The branding of the Jewish state “Israel,” a name entrenched in the messianic Jewish and Christian culture of the West, was crucial since it called up all the nostalgia for the Holy Land of yore and all the images of one’s “true” homecoming. This was crucial to get Christian support in the West.
Palestine Hijacked (2022) is a book of deeply documented historical research (686 detailed endnotes) that tears the mask off the narrative that paints Zionism as a benign force. Through assiduous archival research in poorly accessed and newly declassified archives of the Central Intelligence Agency, the British National Archives, the Library of Congress, the Zionist Organization of America, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, etc., Suárez uses original source documents to hoist the well-known Zionist leaders with their own petards, often in their own words, words never meant to see the light of day. Chaim Weizmann. Theodore Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Moshe Sharett are exposed as liars, and the latter three as ruthless terrorists, with the former three in complete accord with their terror tactics. The same is shown to be true for those Western leaders who supported the terrorist seizure of Palestine by a Zionist racial-nationalist settler movement that had zero legal or moral right to the land, as they still do not.
Suárez sets the scene early on page 14:
Through the decades to come [from the early days of Zionism], from mainstream leaders like David Ben-Gurion and Chaim Weizmann to the fanatical terror gang Lehi, the ideological pronouncements of the settler project were couched in the language of messianism. Zionism was building the final Kingdom, the Biblical Third Temple, a resurrection rising from the ashes of the fabled Second Temple and Solomon’s Temple. Zionism’s battles, its enemies, its conquests, its tragedies, were Biblical, and its establishment of the Israeli state in 1948 was sold as the resumption, the reconstitution, of the Biblical realm. As Ben-Gurion put it, “the Bible is our mandate” to take Palestine.
[my emphasis above]
Again, as with Trump’s pronouncement, the old is new and the new, old; thus today we have American conservative Christian evangelicals’ (Christian Zionists) passionate support for Netanyahu’s war crimes, justified and blessed by the Biblical canard that lives on in the propagandistic narrative promoted by Israel and the corporate media.
It’s all here in Suárez’s chronicle. Not just details about the rather well-known Zionist terror attacks such as the bombing of The King David Hotel that could be turned into Zionist propaganda, but all the years of the slaughters of Palestinians, old and young, men and women and children in small villages and markets, in homes and on the roads and in the fields, done without mercy and carried out with a Biblical gleefulness by fanatics doing their “God’s will.” It chills the soul to read the details of such genocide’s long history.
Suárez writes:
The King David bombing endures as the iconic terror attack of the Mandate years, and history books falsely cite it as the most deadly. The 1940 bombing of the Patria [an immigrant ship] bombing was three times deadlier, killing about 267 people, and the two atrocities are identical in the claim that only infrastructure, not people, were the targets.
Of the attacks in which the killing was the acknowledged purpose, at least one of the Irgun’s bombing [the Irgun, the Lehi, and the Haganah were the Zionist’s three main terror groups] of Palestinian markets killed more (July 6, 1980, about 120), and the Zionist armies coming slaughter of villages such as Deir Yassin – still during the Mandate – would also kill more people than the King David attack.
If you wish to understand the terrorist nature of today’s Israeli government, you need to read this book.
If you think the recent Israeli use of exploding pagers has no history, learn about the Zionist use of exploding leaflets long ago.
If you think critics’ use of the term Nazi to describe the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians is over-the-top, learn about the history of Zionist collaborations with Hitler and the Italian fascist Mussolini.
If you think the Israel designs and attacks on Lebanon and Syria are something new, think again.
If you are shocked by the question: Does Israel have a right to exist?, discover the illegal and immoral nature of its claims to that right. Then ask yourself to answer.
If you are afraid to learn these things for fear of being called antisemitic, learn how the Zionist founders of Israel weaponized that term long ago, against fellow Jews and anyone else who dared question their legitimacy, and how their progenitors and the U.S. government that supports them now stand rightly condemned as supporters of genocide.
If you think Zionism and Judaism are synonymous, you have swallowed a package of lies wrapped as a treacherous gift; for Jews with a conscience know that the Zionist project is a terrible stain on their name.
Thomas Suárez has written a brave and great book. He should have the last word:
The reason Israel holds millions of human beings under various levels of apartheid, the reason it keeps millions more languishing in refuge camps, is not that they are Palestinians, not that they are Arab.
It is rather, strictly, because they are not Jewish. If they were Jewish, whether Palestinian or Arab or anything else, they would be welcomed and given a generous subsidy to move in from whatever part of the world they live and take over a house whose owner was expelled because s/he is not Jewish.
Nothing in the history of Zionism, of the Israeli state, or the so-called conflict can be understood divorced from this.
Ed, thanks for this great review. I have bought the book and am looking forward to reading it. It will complement nicely two other books I have recently read. I thought perhaps that you and/or your readers might like to hear about these as well (if you/they don’t already know of them):
The first book is Shlomo Sand, «‘The Invention of the Jewish People». Sand is an Israeli historian who teaches at the University of Haifa (I believe). To sum up Sand’s argument: the “official” (i.e., Zionist) view concerning the Jewish “people” is largely mythical. A closer examination of the historical evidence instead suggests:
1. There is no proven continuity (at the very least it can be called problematic) between the populations of pre- and post-exilic Canaan, and that the “historical” books of the OT are very likely post-exilic back-projections (particularly: the Exodus could not have happened when it was supposed to; the greater kingdoms of David and Solomon were not what they are claimed to be; most of the Jews, particularly the priestly classes, stayed in Babylon and did not return …).
2. There was no forced mass expulsion of the Jews from Palestine after the destruction of the second Temple by Titus in 70 CE (a myth largely generated by later historians and Christian exegetes).
3. The Jewish “diaspora” was actually an expansion of the Jewish communities via the proselytization of numerous mediterranean and Middle Eastern peoples (yes, the Jews accepted and even encouraged conversion until they were forced to turn inward by the adoption of Christianity as the state religion by Constantine); thus the spread of Judaism was a religious, not an ethnic phenomenon.
4. The modern-day Palestinians may be descendants of Jewish farmers who remained in Palestine while other classes (mercantile, priestly, etc.) of Jews left as part of the general expansion cited above (3).
5. The origin of the Eastern European Jews is probably not from an emigration of western German (Rhenish) Ashkenazi Jews, but probably from the dispersion westward of the peoples of the Khazar kingdom after its fall (thus of a mixed Slavic/Altaic (Turkish) origin). Philological evidence has been invoked for this (Yiddish does not seem to be a direct descendant of the dialect of southwestern Germanic spoken by the Ashkenazi).
6. Zionist “history” has been responsible for suppressing such contradictory archaeological, philological and other indices in order to sustain the myth of the return of “the Jews” to their homeland.
Now, I’m not a scholar of Middle Eastern history, so I cannot independently weigh these claims, which have, as you can imagine, been hotly contested. But given the way all national mythologies (especially those based on
ethnos) originate and operate, I find the book’s synthesis (most of these points are not really original to Sand) persuasive. In any event, it certainly upturns a number of apple carts, which I think is a very healthy thing.
The second book is Tony Greenstein, «Zionism during the Holocaust». This is a truly disturbing book. It is self-published, and sorely needed an editor, but is nonetheless packed with detailed information that should convince any rational person that Zionism is not and never was what it pretends to be. It is a difficult book to digest in both senses––not only because it is at times poorly constructed as a narrative and cluttered with names, dates, acronyms and events (nearly every sentence is footnoted), but also because what it relates will turn the stomach of anyone with an ounce of humanity left. If the reader doesn’t understand after reading this book why Jewish intellectuals like Hannah Arendt and Primo Levi (along with hosts of others then and now) deplored and decried Zionism from the outset, that reader can only be called a hopeless victim of propaganda.
The long and short of it: Zionism not only accepts as inevitable, but actually legitimates and requires, anti-semitism in order to achieve its primary goal. Zionists blocked efforts to save Jews via emigration anywhere else but Palestine during WWII. Zionists were instrumental in facilitating the transports in a number of different ways. And Zionists made deals with the Nazis to save a selected few, sacrificing the great majority of European Jewry, many Zionists considering such masses as a potential “burden” on the future state of Israel. And of course, the idea that the Mufti was responsible for the Holocaust (by convincing Hitler to exterminate) is complete and utter nonsense. After the war, the Zionists rewrote history to make it look like the uprisings in Warsaw and elsewhere were Zionist-led, when in reality a collaboration between anti-Zionist Jews, socialists, communists and populist resistance leaders was in most cases responsible. Greenstein, it goes without saying, sees the Zionist project as nothing but settler colonialism, entailing the ethnic purging and genocide of
the indigenous communities (as is the usual praxis in such cases), and having little if anything to do with Judaism.
I knew that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden were less evil than Donald Trump. But Donald Trump was sold to the masses by the jewish lobby and the deep state as the lesser evil. And I already knew since many years ago that Elon Musk and Trump are professional white-collar thieves. Gansters just like Robert Deniro in the movie Casino, and The Score. and George Clooney and Brad Pitt in the movie Ocean 12
Read this article about how Elon Musk stole 80 million dollars from a bank account
Source: https://www.aporrea.org/actualidad/n401223.html
US: New York City Comptroller Accuses Elon Musk of Stealing $80 Million from City Bank Account
He said the federal aid paid was removed from the city’s bank account.
February 14, 2025, New York City Comptroller Brad Lander accused Elon Musk of “highway robbery” after $80 million approved by Congress “disappeared” from the city’s bank account, El independiente.co.uk reported (ndependent.co.uk)
The Trump administration “recovered” the $80 million that the Federal Emergency Management Agency paid to New York City last week to help house migrants, federal officials confirmed.
“Today… my office @NYCComptroller discovered that $80 MILLION in federal aid already authorized, allocated and paid was ERASED from the city’s bank account,” Lander said Wednesday in a post in X.
“Let’s be very clear: this is a robbery on the road. Elon Musk, without legal authority, illegally confiscated federal funds from New Yorkers,” Lander added. He said the money was supposed to reimburse the city for costs it had already incurred and billed the federal government.
The rescinded funds raise legality issues that face freezes and recoveries of funds by Elon Musk and the Trump administration, often in the wake of legally executed appropriations and congressional documents that set up payments and even funds for work already done and costs incurred.
Lander, who is running for mayor of New York City, also criticized incumbent Mayor Eric Adams for not “fighting back.” The U.S. Justice Department moved to drop a corruption charge against Adams on Monday shortly after he was spotted socializing with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
Dear revolutionary brother Edward and friends: Another great revolutionary article. I don’t really understand the real reason of why most israeli jews are so evil, and so full of hatred. Even though i used to analyze the behaviour nations from a marxist scientific point of view, lately i’ve been trying to read about the history of jews even using biblical texts. There is a book called “Holy Serpent of the Jews” by Texe Marrs which analysis the evil immoral behaviour of the great majority of the jewish israeli population, and the underlying roots and causes of their behaviour full of hatred for other human beings.
I might even think that there is a lot of levels of cancer, leukemia, and other dangerous diseases in the general israeli population. Because from a pure physiological point of view, when people are so evil and so full of anger against other humans, their levels of cortisol hormones rise and elevated cortisol hormones lead to stress and cancer.
But since i am not a psychiatrist, it would be a good idea to organize a deep scientific study with the best mind scientists of the world to learn the real reasons of why Israelis jews behave the way they do
Suarez has written a great book. In it he makes clear that the Zionist terror was not only against Palestinians and the British. The Zionist terror was also against Jews who didn’t follow the Zionists’ orders. Reading this book as a Jew I wondered to myself what I could have done if I had been living in Palestine in the 40’s. The only thing I could have done would have been to leave. Otherwise I would have been dead.
Thank you Ed! https://www.palestineremembered.com/FactsAboutHaavara.html
Thanks for the book and totally topical review; seems a good companion to Ilan Pappe’s works. The gist of the quote is chillingly clear, “It is rather, strictly, because they are not Jewish.” Yet i would add, ‘because they are not Zionist Jewish’… which is actually an oxymoron.
I appreciate the comments and insights of Mr.Curtin but I am confused about this article because there is another book by Thomas Suarez with the (much more appropriate) title:
State of Terror – How Terrorism created Modern Israel ´” (published in 2016 by Skyscraper)
Has this book been re-published under another name?
Please clarify – Thank You.
NOTE: State of Terror is out of print.
It has been replaced by the updated book, Palestine Hijacked
Everything in State of Terror is also covered in Palestine Hijacked, plus more, updated and expanded.
Information and ordering links:
The hubris of religion is unrelenting.
Thank you Johnny for your comment. Myths, lies, distortions, ignorance, fear, while ignoring life and what life actually can be!
Now you’ve done it, Ed! An powerful antidote to the abhorrent phantasmagoria of Trump/Natanyahu.
On Oct 7 a middle-aged woman friend asked me to explain what was happening in Gaza. She asked me to be brief: here is my answer. https://raymcgovern.com/2023/10/08/can-you-give-a-brief-synopsis-of-whats-happening-in-israel/ . It fleshes out some of the details of what has become ongoing genocide. As with the malleable churches in Germany, those US bishops, priests, ministers who one might look to for moral guidance have punted farther than the experts at the Super Bowl. So IT IS UP TO US. Dan Berrigan pointed out: “The difference between doing something and doing nothing is everything. Adelante! Si, se puede! Ray McGovern
Thank you Ray for your response.
Hi Ray,
I enjoy watching Judge Napoletano’s show where you and Larry Johnson discuss the mad world we are living in … but it seems to me that the Judge is only “scratching the surface” not digging into the deeper issues.
E.g. I am asking myself why (in the context of the Gaza war) this topic is never mentioned:
“Geologists and natural resources economists have confirmed that the Occupied PalestinianTerritory lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in Area C of the occupied West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip. However, occupation continues to prevent Palestinians from developing their energy fields so as to exploit and benefit from such assets. As such, the Palestinian people have been denied the benefits of using this natural resource to finance socioeconomic development and meet their need for energy. The new discoveries of oil and natural gas in the Levant Basin, amounting to 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas at a net value of $453 billion (in 2017 prices) and 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil at a net value of about $71 billion, a total of about $524 billion […] The exploitation of Palestinian natural resources, including oil and natural gas, by the occupying Power imposes on the Palestinian people enormous costs that continue to escalate as the occupation remains in effect. This is not only contrary to international law, but also in violation of natural justice and moral law.”
Source for the figures above: https://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2010/3014/pdf/FS10-3014.pdf (US Geological Survey)
“By having prevented Palestinians from exploiting the Marine 1 and Marine 2 natural gas wells off the coast of Gaza (for over 20 years) Israel has violated the Regulations the Fourth Geneva Convention, international humanitarian law and international human rights law, not only with regard to the construction of settlements, (Security Council resolution 2334, but also in its exploitation of the Meged field in the occupied West Bank.”
https://unctad.org/publication/economic-costs-israeli-occupation-palestinian-people-unrealized-oil-and-natural-g (2019)
Here’s an informative article on the subject of Gaza’s Maritime Gas Reserves
Ok this book is now on my list!
I think “Palestinian terror” is more akin to French Resistance “terror” or slave revolt “terror”. In other words–it’s legitimate resistance. And any of it pales in comparison to Zionism.
thanks, Ed!