Because there is so much personal anguish, unhappiness, and human mental and physical suffering in the world, many people often…
I sit here in the silence of the awakening dawn’s stillness stunned by the realization that I exist. I wonder…
Social psychosis is widespread. In the words of the British psychiatrist, R. D. Laing, “The condition of alienation, of being…
Sometimes you wake up from a dream to realize it is telling you to pay close attention to the depth…
For thirty years I have taken my father’s name in the vain hope that some of his exquisite writing and character would be recognized through his son’s hand.
I think it is generally accepted that the practice of medicine has changed radically over the past fifty or so years. The medicalization and corporatization of life have “progressed” simultaneously as most doctors have become obedient servants of the corporate state.
“The technical achievement of advanced industrial society, and the effective manipulation of mental and material productivity have brought about a…
This country was conceived in the blood of all the native peoples who lived here for eons…. This history is crucial knowledge, for without it one cannot grasp the demonic nature of today’s U.S. wars throughout the world. The history has always been demonic. Nemesis is surely watching now, for what began in the blood of others, has a tendency to blow back on those who first unleashed the fire.