By Chance on the Winter Solstice

Huge early morning moon

Through the bathroom window

Pushing its way in.

The future staring there

Through the tall pines

By chance, upon awakening.

2 thoughts on “By Chance on the Winter Solstice”

  1. I enjoy your poetry, Ed, and hope you allow me to add a little poem of my own. Though written many years before I found your website, it seems to partake in the spirit of your thinking and writing.

    The Assholes

    No one knows when the assholes came.
    No one knows how they took control.
    But out there now it’s an asshole’s game;
    They’ve got the money, power, and fame.
    They can eat me just the same.

  2. Ed, very nice conveys a lot with a little. Some years ago i wrote this haiku:
    in my bathroom
    everyone’s August moon

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