The world has been haunted by human violence since time immemorial. There are untold millions (billions?) of people all over…
For my dear friend, Graeme MacQueen, the great 9/11 writer, who departed yesterday from life’s mystery to the other. When…
It has been fifty-five years since Senator Robert F. Kennedy stepped onto the presidential nominating stage to try to mend…
“In my seventy-plus years from 1946 to now, the chorus of fear-mongering bullshit has never ceased – only grown louder.…
This free eBook by Graeme MacQueen contains a collection of his articles and essays on the attacks of September 11, 2001, the subsequent anthrax attacks, and analyses of other false flag operations. They are profoundly important and shatter the official versions of those events. No one reading this book can come away from it not convinced that the U.S. government is a terrorist state.