My absence

I’ve been ill for a while and have needed to tend to a sick relative, thus no writing for a while.  I hope to be writing shortly.  Thanks for your support.

14 thoughts on “My absence”

  1. Day late and a dollar short, but I wish you all the best, Ed. Your writings have had a huge impact on me.

    Position, degree, education, intelligence, knowledge; a pimple on the ass of courage. Sorry, but I’ll always be a construction worker.

    Thank you for your courage.

  2. You get well. I am thinking of you as I watch the last of Stone’s four-part JFK Revisted.

    Peace and nuclear disarmament. Dialogue. Love of children worldwide.

    1. My bad: That’s JFK: Destiny Betrayed. You wrote a great piece on JFK Revisted. This newer four-part series gets into more detail. Definitely gets the ire up for an old socialist and journalist like myself. What a destructive and murderous country AmeriKKKa is

  3. Always look forward to your writing; have been checking your website on a regular basis. Looking forward to your next post!!!

  4. What you’ve already written can be read many times. I’ve been reading your book, love it.

    I hope you and your relative recover soon.

    Thank you for your writing and inspiration.

  5. Hoping you and your family member are on the mend. Keeping you both in thoughts and prayers.

  6. Dear Ed,

    I pray all goes as well as possible with your family’s health. I greatly appreciate your writings.


  7. Ed, Look forward to each of your essays.

    Take care of yourself – that’s most important.

  8. Get well Ed…, the Morning Glories are blooming on the trellis. The Bees and the Monarchs are enjoying the buckwheat flours.

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