Biden and Trump Battle over a Rattle

“Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.”
– Lewis Carroll, Through The Looking-Glass

Once you understand that profound poem, you are ready to fathom the great debate between our dumb and dumber candidates for the Highchair in the Oval Office.

In light of Julian Assange’s release from an English prison and President Biden’s dementia-riddled debate performance against dumb-mouthed Donald Trump – Tweedledum and Tweedledee, whom Alice, when through the looking-glass, said looked exactly like a couple of schoolboys – I have been thinking about a famous proverb – “acta, non verba” (action, not words).  Like most platitudes and effective propaganda, it contains both truths and contradictions and can therefore be spun in multiple ways depending on one’s intent.

Killing people is an action that needs no words to accompany it.  It can be done silently.  Even when it is the killing of millions of people, it can be carried out without fanfare or direct responsibility.  Without a whisper, with plausible deniability, as if it were not happening.  As if you were not responsible.  The playwright Harold Pinter, in his Nobel Prize Address, wrote truthfully about U. S. war crimes:

It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.

I put to you that the United States is without doubt the greatest show on the road. Brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless it may be but it is also very clever. As a salesman it is out on its own and its most saleable commodity is self-love. It’s a winner. Listen to all American presidents on television say the words, ‘the American people’, as in the sentence, ‘I say to the American people it is time to pray and to defend the rights of the American people and I ask the American people to trust their president in the action he is about to take on behalf of the American people.’

Trust, of course, is a sick joke when it comes from the mouths of U.S. presidents, just as the two bloodthirsty debaters want the American people to trust them and agree with their support for the US/Israel genocide of Palestinians, as does Robert Kennedy, Jr., another aspirant for the position of Killer-in-Chief.

“I know what you’re thinking about,” said Tweedledum, “but it isn’t so nohow.”

“Contrariwise,” said Tweedledee. “if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.”

And the boys continue to battle over Tweedledum’s “nice new rattle” that he accused Tweedledee of spoiling.

The spectacle of presidential politics and people’s addiction to it is a depressing commentary on people’s gullibility.  To think that the candidates are not puppets manipulated by the same hidden powerful elite forces is a form of illiteracy that fails to grasp the nature of the fairy tale told through the looking-glass. The real rattle is not a toy, but the sound of the rattling of the marionettes’ chains.  In the 2020 presidential election, more than 155 million Americans voted for Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the highest voter turnout by percentage since 1900.  More so than the population at large, these voters are dumb and getting dumber by the day.  They think they live in a democracy where to get into the Highchair candidates will spend 10 billion dollars or so.

“Ditto,” said Tweedledum.

“Ditto, ditto!” cried Tweedledee.

Like the voters in 2020, those this year will echo the boys in illusionary expectations of political change – “Ditto, ditto, ditto – as they look in the mirror of their cell phones and hope to take selfies with the candidates to mirror the narcissistic mendacious marionettes of their illusions.

Julian Assange killed no one, but he suffered greatly at the hands of the U.S. military-industrial-security state and its evil accomplices because he used words and images to reveal their atrocities.  In other words, his words were his courageous actions to counteract the murderous actions of the U.S. government.  He gave voice to the previously unspeakable, a void in confronting systematic evil that seems beyond imagining or words to convey.  Assange’s words were his deeds and therefore reversed the proverb or turned it on its head or upside down.  He showed that the words of denial from the U.S. government were lies, language used to obscure thought about its war crimes.  That is why they tortured him for so many years.

Despite such treatment, he never bowed to their violence, remaining steadfastly true to his conscience.  A true individual.  He was betrayed by the corporate mainstream media such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and others who published what Julian published, then trashed him and ignored him, and finally hypocritically supported him to save their own asses after he suffered for fourteen years.  It is a very typical tale of elite betrayal.

Those who serve and wish to serve as American presidents are so lacking in Assange’s moral conscience that one should never expect truth from them, neither in words nor actions.  Assange stands head and shoulders above these craven creeps.  Here, as recounted by Marjorie Cohn, are some of their atrocities that journalist  Assange, a free man, published for all the world to read and see.

The relationship between words and actions is very complex.  Even Shakespeare compounds the complexity by having  a character say that words are not deeds.  But they are.

Neither Biden nor Trump ever personally killed a Syrian or Palestinian, but they gave orders to do so.  They made sure as young men that they would never serve in the military and kill with their own hands, having received between them nearly ten deferments.  What’s the term for such Commanders-in-Chief?   Pusillanimous armchair warriors?  Jackals with polished faces who know ten thousand ways to order others to kill and torture while keeping their hands clean but their souls sordid?

Obama had his Tuesday kill list that included American citizens whom he chose for death; Trump gave the orders to “terminate” Iranian General Qasem Soleimani; we can only imagine what orders Biden (or his handlers) has given, while Ukraine, Russia, and Gaza have suffered terribly from them.  Now Tweedledum, desperate to retain his rattle, pushes the world closed to nuclear war.

But notice the expensive suits these boys wear, the crisp white shirts and pocket handkerchiefs, the elegant watches and shiny shoes.  But they are killers whose orders to kill are whispered, action words, passed down the line.  With a smile, a grin, a shrug, or completely indifferently, as if they were ordering a bagel with cream cheese to go.

Yet true it is, as the forgotten but great American poet Keneth Rexroth wrote in his 1955 poem Thou Shall Not Kill: “You killed him!  You killed him./ In your God damned Brooks Brothers  suit,/ You son of a bitch.”

Like many writers, I am politically powerless.  My words are my only weapon.  Are they actions?  I believe they are.  They are deeds.  I move my pen across the paper and try to write something meaningful.  Sometimes I succeed in this action; at others, I fail.  Who can say?  I surely can’t.  As my father used to always remind me, “Quien sabe?” (Who knows?)

There are those who claim that wordsmiths are all full of shit.  Why don’t they just shut up and do something, is what they say.  They fail to grasp the paradoxical relationship between action and words.  For writers who write to defend humanity from the predations of the ruthless ruling classes, their words are not orders to kill.  Just the opposite.

Our words are reminders that killing is wrong, that waging wars are wrong, that genocide is wrong, that assassinating people is wrong – simple truths that almost everyone knows but forgets when they get caught up in the antics of the Tweedledums and Tweedledees who come and go with the breezes as the system that creates them rolls merrily along.

So if words, contrary to the famous proverb – action, not words – are a form of action, we are caught in a paradox of our own making.  This is not uncommon.  For there are silent and wordy acts as well as words as actions, some noisy, others sotto voce.  There are violent deeds and violent words; and there are peaceful words meant to encourage peaceful deeds.

Tweedledum Biden and Tweedledee Trump are prime examples of how far my country (I write that with a lump in my throat), the United States of America, has descended into illiteracy, evil, and delusion.

The philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once wrote that the “Greeks were superficial out of profundity.”  Too many Americans have become superficial out of stupidity by believing the words and deeds of con men battling over a rattle.

“No Way! We landed on the moon!”

– Jim Carrey, playing Lloyd in Dumb and Dumber





7 thoughts on “Biden and Trump Battle over a Rattle”

  1. Hello Edward and friends: Another great mind opening article, exposing the USA as it is (Sold and marketed as a workers democracy, when it is really an oligarchic, plutocratic, cleptocratic capitalist-empire. And the great majority of american people in one way or the other are still supporting the US plutocratic evil capitalist-empire.

    And I think that the USA which is a better country to live in, with higher living standards and more opportunities for all than Pakistan, Guatemala, Egypt, India, Haiti, Venezuela, Honduras, Mexico and many other countries, still fails miserably because I think that we should give a lot more poor countries for being poor than USA. Because there is no economic reason for the 330 million people of USA to have high living standards and a good middle class life (there is enough money inside USA for that)

    But as long as the current plutocratic-oligarchic economic system of USA continues (thru democrats and republicans) it is safe to state that only about 20% to 30% of USA can reach self-realization, while 70% lives a hell on earth, taxed to death, over-worked to death, and billed to death living daily routines of only working, domestic labor (cleaning and cooking are still hard jobs) without any pleasure. What a hell, because the human body is not built for only working and suffering. The body needs both negative stress (working hard etc) and positive stress (pleasures)

    There was a lot of happiness in USSR, i read that in USSR in the late 1980s a person could rent an apartment with electricity, water, cooking as, cable-tv and other basic services included for only about 25 to 50 dollars per month.

    While in the USA capitalist hell most people need more than 800 dollars per month to pay for a house rent or mortgage without basic services like electricity included. No wonder americans are so overworked, and americans are taking for granted this neoliberalism capitalist hell.

    For example, my sisters are going on a vacation cruise on Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas, this July 12 in Spain, Europe. And I just found out that each Oasis of the Seas ticket, does not include soft drinks (like Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Seven-Up and other popular soda drinks). So they will have to buy each can of soft drink at a super-expensive overvalued price of 12 dollars per can. I think i might be wrong though because there is really no way that a 12 ounces of soft drink can cost so much money.

    So I wrote an article on the Royal Caribbean Reddit forum on how most people are really slaves, because I bet that most of the passengers of that cruise ship Oasis of the Seas are really willing to pay 12 dollars for acan of soft drinks (no questions asked). In that articled i said how the spirit of Hugo Chavez, Stalin, Mao Tse Tun, Che Guevara, Bakunin and most anti-capitalist leaders of history is getting inside of me, thanks to Royal Caribbean. I thanked them for making me more communist than i am already. And i told them that beecause paying 12 dollars for a can of soft drinks is painful to most of the Oasis of the Seas passengers, because most of them are not rich, they are good intentioned people who work really hard creating wealth for capitalists and they take vacation cruises because they deserve a week or 2 of feeling good and relaxing and resting from the capitalist hell. And the pain i feel when somebody buys over-valued things, is related to something Che Guevara said “The suffering and pain of other human beings should really be our own suffering and pain’

    That the task of a revolutiionary communist should be to feel the pain of other human beings

    What a hell american capitalism is, and airports are also like the Royal Caribbean Corporation. If anybody here has traveled thru any commercial airline, they should be aware of how over-valued food and things are at airports..

    Maybe when most americans get poorer we might see a revolutionary objective situation, but in the mean time, most americans are still willing to support this system and to keep voting for poverty, for bills, for taxes and for death

    Something has to give !!


    1. Hello Knoxville Christian-Anarchist…..”Humans don’t like pain, it hurts us. We have become very adept at avoiding it, denying it, medicating it, cloistering it from ourselves and from others. An experience so very human in its commonality (which genuinely connects us so intimately) has grown into a thick tangle of deceit which only compounds our suffering by separating us from one another.” Author not know
      “An experience so very human in its commonality (which genuinely connects us so intimately)”
      Our experiences, our indoctrination (education) fear…,helps separate us from our most basic human selves!
      A group crying session might be the healthiest thing we can do. Let the tears run, then tell why. Most likely this will be just about the same for everyone present no matter the age.

  2. The United States of Asinine.
    Leading the world by example.
    Dumb and dumber.
    Sick and sicker.

    Was it Hollywood that force fed ignorance to USians, or was it the incremental and insidious undermining of the education system?

    1. Good morning Johnny…. education has always been undermined by various manipulators who want citizens to simply conform and obey, create a standardized view of the information authority imposes upon us. Boot Camp Create a large pool of willing labor. Hollywood? We watched ‘them’ instead of paying attention to ourselves. Violence of all sorts. Lies of all sorts. This fraud was celebrated 2 days ago. “not only has man accepted his enslavement…man has even become proud of his enslavement…and this is a terrible thing”

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